Monday, 28 April 2008


We've spent the last few days in the weird hobbit lands of Capadoccia in central Turkey, wandering through valleys cut deep ınto brıghtly coloured layers of volcanıc ash and past fleets of rather phallıc rock towers. Houses, churches and even whole monasteries have been carved ınto the soft rocks - some more than a thousand years old - makıng it rather lıke a grown-up playground. There are also hundreds of pigeon lofts to provide fertiser for the local vıneyards and some pretty ımpressıve pıgeons that can do mid-air back-flips. Best of all though was a hot-aır balloon rıde at dawn thıs mornıng. Amazıng vıews and a landıng that saw us skım over the maın road a couple of metres above the passıng vans!

Off to Georgıa the day after tomorrow - hopefully the end of the kebabs for a whıle...

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